Friday, March 9, 2012

ACTEWAGL Royal Canberra Show February 2012

On the last weekend of February, Paris and I ventured out to our first Royal show! All I have to say is WOW- what a fantastic weekend!!

It was an early start for Saturday morning. My only class for Saturday wasnt until 2.30pm, however I had been told that the line for the official measuring can be up to 3 hours long at any one time and I had also been made aware that parking was pretty horrific. So to keep the nerves at bay, an early arrival was essential.
Lucky for getting there early, I walked straight into the measuring box, didnt have to wait in line at the registration office and got a fantastic park (Until I was parked in!)

Paris was pretty tense throughout the morning at the sight of the trotter training on the track next to our parking space, but eventually settled in time for a lesson, shortly followed by my class.

The day ended up maxing 35 degrees, which when surrounded by about 100 horses in a 50 horse capacity space, made for a very hot and stressed out Paris and I. We were very happy to be marshalled for our class and quickly escorted to our ring. My class for the Saturday, was the Working Hunter over 15hh. There was just under 20 in the class and there was definently some very good competition with some lovely horses out there doing their thing. I have to admit that the nerves really set in after a few horses had problems with the 80cm oxer in our class. I had absolute faith in Paris that she would get over the jump, but was praying that she would! Our workout was simple with a trot straight from the judge, canter a half circle to the left, jump the simple straight bar, continue on the left lead to present to the oxer, continue canter for a few strides then break into a hand gallop for the whole ring, come back to canter, trot then long rein walk to the judge, halt and present the horse for a check over of its confirmation.

Paris completed the most amazing workout! Beautiful scope in the jumping without any flatness or speeding up, didnt even think twice about the oxer, did the most amazing gallop (the best for the day according to the judge!) and then continued the rest of the workout with ease. She was the only horse that actually stood still for the judge to have a look at her all over and eventually sneak in a quick pat.
I was one of two riders to complete both jumps without a rail or refusal, but I did forget my long rein walk in the work out and felt that I would be punished for this.

Initially, I was called into the winners line up first, which bought me to tears! However, the look on the judges face was not promising and it was discovered that I should of been placed second. I had tied for first place with the winner, however, on countback she had scored better in the jumping component (Which is the highest scoring component). This placed us in well deserved 2nd place and I couldnt have been happier. I was congratulated by all competitors and was pulled aside often after the class to be congratulated, and asked lots of questions about Paris and why she hasnt been seen before. Still gives me goosebumps to even type this! Im a very lucky girl to have such a super horse!

We then headed back to the float, for congratulatory hugs, tears and more hugs from my amazing support team! I then needed to get organised for the Grand Parade, scheduled for 4.30pm. This was a complete shock to poor Paris system, with all the Hack's appearing like ticking time bombs, I felt like I was riding one. She was NOT impressed.. There was ponies, horses, more ponies, cows, sheep, more cows and horses wearing costumes.. Was entertaining to say the least..

Sunday was much more relaxed as I was only attending for Pony Club classes. Unfortunately, I wasnt called in for the PC rider class, but did place 3rd on the PC pairs class, even after we had been pelted with rain just as we were sent out on the ring. Paris was a great support horse for the young , inexperienced gelding we were riding with, and I think she gave him a good experience.

All-in-all, a super weekend! Now to qualify for Melbourne and Sydney royals next year!
Next competition is Albury-Wodonga ODE! I cant wait!

Pictures from Bungendore Show 2012

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Bungendore Show 2012

On the last weekend of January, I headed off to Bungendore Show. This is the largest agricultural show in the Canberra region and always has a large number of entrants each year.
I used this competition as a warm up for the Royal Canberra Show a month later.
I had entered 5 classes in total, as this show included a 2 ring circus which allows riders to have a second go at each of their classes in order to try and achieve a higher result.
My first class for the day was our Open Show Hunter over 16hh. The competition in this class was strong and we ended up with a well deserved 3rd place.
Our second class for the day was the Lady’s Hunter. We worked much more consistently in this workout and placed 2nd.
Next up was my rider class. I often pass on the rider class, as my dressage/jumping seat often doesn’t fair too well against the show riders, however I came away from this class with another 3rd place.
Due to the heat on the day, I decided to call it quits and head home. We had a fantastic day, and I felt that there was no need to continue any further.

There are some pictures on my facebook page for those that are interested. I will upload some when my PC decides to co-operate!

Next up is Canberra Royal. Watch this space!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Paris schooling 2012

This is the first time Paris has really jumped since our last event in November of last year. She's a little lazy, an does take down a rail courtesy of the long grass in the jumping paddock.. However, very happy with her! Need to get back into my jumping lessons again to further our showjumping education even more!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Wow- How time flys! Its been a while since I last posted!

Paris hasnt done a huge amount of competing since my last post due to a some unexpected Gastric Ulcers, a paddock injury whilst I was overseas on holidays in September, a house move and then of course, Christmas gets in the way!

We have a very full on schedule in the next few weeks which include LOTS of Hacking events.
I have a small breed society show this weekend, a large Agricultural show the following weekend, Showjumping the first weekend of February, then a small break until The Royal Canberra Show on the last weekend of February.

I have entered Paris into the Working Hunter classes at the Royal which should be very fun and something a little different for her. In preperation for the royal, I attended a clinic on the weekend with an International Show/Working Hunter judge. She was a large bag of knowledge and had many things to say about each of the horses at the clinic. The feedback we received was pleasing, with her last comment to me being that if she was judging the horses from the clinic, I would be her Champion. Apparently Paris's bold, clean jumping style, manners and paces would make for a very lovely Hunter indeed.
I am waiting on videos and pictures from the weekend, so I will be sure to post them once they arrive.

Posing as she does best :)

Rudely woke her during her midday snooze.. Had every intention of taking her for a ride, however she had no intention of getting up. Infact, she lay flat on her side in protest!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Berrima International One Day Event 2nd/3rd July 2011

On the weekend of the 2nd and 3rd of July, I attended the Berrima International One Day event.

This was a large event with around 300 entries.The weather for the weekend itself was great, but unfortunately the week leading up to the event had seen large down pours of rain, causing parts of the XC course to become waterlogged and unrideable in parts. This meant that the course had to be altered for all grades early on Saturday morning.

Fortunately, the dressage arenas and SJ arena had remained dry enough that we didnt slide around too much.

Im proud to say, that we achieved, our BEST open competition dressage result! Woo hoo!
We have been having a stack of lessons with a new coach and things are starting to become MUCH easier for both of us. This means that we had a very consistant dressage test! Scoring mainly 6's and 7's with an 8 for my long rein walk! We had no arguments during the test which is unusual for Paris- but very pleasing. We ended up placing 15th out of 30 with a score of 62%!!! Yay for Paris!

We then continued on to do a very smooth, clear SJ round!!
After showjumping we jumped up into 9th place sitting on our dressage score!

Sunday saw us 6th on course for XC. Paris was a little legend and cruised around with nothing a bother. We managed to get a semi normal entrance into the water, with minimal argument about getting her toes wet.

Unfortunately, I put the wrong XC time into my watch, which saw me come in 18 seconds faster than the minimum time (Which I thought was the optimum..) Therefore incurring 7.2 time penalties and dropping into 12th place. Very dissapointing on my behalf, as we are generally pretty good at going clear on our XC time, which would have seen me sitting around 5th place!!
But we live and learn dont we?

We have two more Introductory starts for this year, then we will up to Preliminary for the Canberra event in September. Im very optimistic!

Murrumbateman SJ Festival 11th/12th of June 2011

Wow- Its been a while since I updated..

On the weekend of the 11th and 12th of June, Paris and I headed down to my Pony club for the biggest showjumping event in our zone. The is a state qualifying event, so there was people from all over NSW as well as Canberra there.
This was my first B grade competition on Paris and we kicked butt!
The competition went over 2 days with 7 seperate SJ events over the weekend.
We placed as follows;

4th Equitation
3rd AM2
2nd 6 bar
2nd Topscore
4th Grand Prix
2nd Derby (Mixture of XC and showjumps- very hunter horse type thing)

The 7th event was a rescue relay, which is where you team up with a friend and you have to try and complete 2 showjumping rounds between the 2 of you in under 2 minutes. If I knock a rail my partner has to be ready to jump the next jump in my place. If I have a stop, my partner has to take over from the jump I stopped at. This is all for fun, but is all about strategy! Tell you what, it was very hard to wipe the smile off my face for the rest of the day after this round!

Anywho, we ended up placing second over all for B grade Saturday and Sunday! Which was a great feat for both of us at our first B grade comp!!

Im going to add this picture just because I love it!! This is from a clinic at my pony club with Trevor Morris. This particular lesson was a huge turning point in our jump training!